Phone: 917-213-9848

中国国家二级编导,原广东舞蹈学校副教授,在校任教近二十年,教学经验丯富,培养了许多学生在全球国各大比赛获得优秀的成绩并在演艺界及大专院校展露头腳。作品多次获得国际国家奖项,中国桃李杯舞蹈大赛金奖及银奖,多次获得广东省舞蹈大赛金奖,获得全国园丁奖及魯迅文学艺术贡献奖等,创作著名曲目20余部,民间舞《稻草香》《秀》《雨打芭蕉》《等风来》《瑶山隨想》, 舞剧《哭嫁》《百世灯缘》等。
Lu, Yumei
Meige Dancing Space Founder
Renowned Dancer and Choreographer
Ms. Lu is a Chinese national Grade-2 Choreographer with solid teaching experience at Guangdong Dance Academy. A renowned artist, she has obtained many national and regional prizes alike, including Gold and Silver Prizes at the Taoli Cup World Dance Competition (also known as the Oscars in Chinese Dance), as well as Gold Prize in Guangdong Dance Competition, National Gardener Prize and the Lu Xun Prize for Literary and Artistic Contributions. She has directed more than 20 renowned works, including folk dance "Fragrance of the Straw", "Show", "Raining on the Banana Leaves", "Wait for the Wind", "Yao Mountains Capriccio" as well as dance drama "Crying Marriage" and "Hundred Years of Love under Lanterns”.

编舞 舞者 接触即兴导师
纽约Cross Move lab 舞团 艺术总监
纽约Peridance Capezio Center 舞蹈中心老师
毕业于“俄罗斯国立芭蕾舞蹈学院”同年以独舞演员职位就职于俄罗斯国立芭蕾舞团。俄罗斯国际芭蕾舞大赛,获得第二名。2006广东现代舞团舞者,为舞团编排多个作品.曾获得美国舞蹈(ADF) 给予的“国际编舞驻家”(ADF ICR)称号。同年加入美国纽约舞团 White Wave Dance company 。 2014年初加入沈伟舞团(Shen Wei Dance Arts )。 2018获得皇后藝術委員會(Queens Council on the Arts)「藝術家委託項目」新作獎金。作品多次参加纽约各大艺术节及剧场的演出。
Hui, Guanglei
Choreographer, Dancer, Improv Jam Teacher
Adjunct Professor of Queens College
Artistic Director of Cross Move lab
Dance Teacher at Peridance Capezio Center
Mr. Hui studied at The Russian National Ballet Dance Academy from 2001-2003 and earned a major in Choreography/Classical Ballet Performance with Education. While studying in Russia, he took second place in the Russian International Dance Competition. In 2005, Guang-lei joined the first modern dance company in China, Guangdong Modern Dance Company. In 2008, he was invited to perform with GMDC in the anniversary celebration of the Pina Bausch Dance Company. He was invited as a young choreographer for Yokohama Dance Collection in 2011; and in 2012, he was invited to participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program (ICR) at the American Dance Festival. In 2013, Guang-lei joined White Wave Young Soon Kim Dance Company. He began working with Shen Wei Dance Arts in 2014; and in 2016, he was invited to Taipei Dance Round Table Project to work on a new original piece. He has worked with renowned international artists including Sang Jijia (from William Forsythe Dance Company), Yin Mei (YMDC Artistic Director), Margaret Jenkins (MJDC Artistic Director), Shen Wei (Shen Wei Dance Arts Artistic Director), Hou Ying (HYDT Artistic Director), Jodi Melnick, Cheng-Chieh Yu (UCLA Dance Professor). He has toured to international arts festivals in more than twenty countries.

Lu, YaHui
Independent dancer
From 2004 to 2012, she worked in the Guangdong Modern Dance Company and the Beijing Contemporary Ballet. She has worked with many top artists at home and abroad and has visited international art festivals in more than 20 countries and regions. Her original works include "This place is..." "The same feeling", "No Jue", "The 19th floor" and so on.
In 2013, she moved to New York, USA, and was invited by Columbia University in New York and New York University.

Zhao, DaYong
Famous artist/director
In 1992, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shenyang Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. In the early 1990s, he worked as a professional painter in the Artists Village of Yuanmingyuan, Beijing, and then moved to Guangzhou to work as an advertising art and advertising director.
The paintings have been held in Hong Kong and China for many solo exhibitions. The paintings have been collected by many galleries such as Germany, France, the United States and Hong Kong. The film works have been shortlisted at the International Film Festival and won several international awards. The documentary film "Abandoned City" was shortlisted at the New York International Film Festival and was reported many times by the New York Times.